AHA Facebook Group Challenges

Bike 100 Miles in June

 Bike 100 Miles in June

Welcome to the Bike 100 Miles in June Challenge! Are you ready to help contribute to a century of progress against cardiovascular disease? It's time to take action and share your love for healthier hearts by joining hundreds of others in the Bike 100 Miles in June Challenge. Let's come together and show our support for those who have been affected by these devastating illnesses.

New this month, you can also participate via Instagram - http://givp.nl/register/1tisJ3qN

31 Miles for Mom in May

31 Miles for Mom in May

Join hundreds of others taking on the 31 miles for mom in may challenge to honor our mothers and raise funds and support the aha mission to be a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives. With your help, we can continue the fight against heart disease and stroke!