

Maika 777/Moment Open, Getty Images
(Maika 777/Moment Open, Getty Images)
这个故事是 要么吃要么离开?, a series that provides a closer look at the pros and cons associated with certain foods and drinks – and cooking options if you decide to eat them.

If mangoes could be any more of a nutritional hero, they might need to wear capes.

甜美的, sweet tropical fruits are packed with so many vitamins and minerals they are great for our hearts, 皮肤, 眼睛, 消化系统和免疫系统.

富含20多种维生素和矿物质, 包括高剂量的维生素A和C, mangoes hail from the cashew family and are also low-fat – 一个芒果 大约207卡路里. 一杯芒果片大约有165卡路里,而且 提供近70% 维生素C的每日推荐摄入量, 可以促进铁的吸收, 帮助保护细胞免受损害,并帮助免疫系统.

“维生素C对免疫力有好处,Maya Vadiveloo说, an assistant professor in the department of nutrition and food sciences at the University of Rhode Island.

"It's an antioxidant so it can help with oxidative stress in the body. 主要的好处, 除了是维生素C的良好来源之外, 芒果是维生素a的良好来源吗, 叶酸和纤维素含量很高, 哪些对预防结肠癌有益, 心脏病和体重控制."

Mangoes help protect and support the body in a number of ways, especially when they are consumed in whole form and not with the added sugars found in canned mangoes. 的y contain several antioxidant compounds which help protect or delay damage from "free radicals," unstable atoms or molecules that can damage cells and cause diseases such as cancer.

纤维, vitamin and potassium content in the juicy fruit also helps reduce the risk of heart disease. “除了减少钠, 钾有助于控制血压, 这是大多数美国人最关心的问题吗,瓦迪维卢说.

Although mango season typically runs from May to September, imported varieties of the fruit are available in the United States year-round. 但不是每个人都应该吃.

就像腰果家族的其他成员一样, 包括毒葛和毒橡树吗, 芒果含有漆酚, an oil that can cause the 皮肤 to erupt in rashes for some people. 油被发现在 植物的所有部分包括叶子、茎,甚至是根.

Those with sensitivities to this oily substance might be able to eat mangoes by wearing gloves to remove the 皮肤 or having someone else remove it for them. “过敏的严重程度因人而异,瓦迪维卢说, "so it's best to check with a physician to determine what you are particularly at risk for."

除了低脂之外, mangoes can aid in weight loss because their fiber content helps you stay full longer.

"One thing that is nice about mango is that people do combine it with different things, 像萨尔萨舞, 它也可以和很多蔬菜搭配. A great way to reduce your total calories is to combine fruits with some of the non-starchy leafy vegetables and make an interesting salad,她说. 或者在你的鱼里加点芒果酱."

Mangoes are healthy, but it's not the only fruit powerhouse out there, Vadiveloo said. 联邦 膳食指南 建议每天吃两杯水果.

Experts recommend people "consume varieties of fruits and vegetables because they each have a slightly different nutritional profile,她说. "So, it's best not to just eat mangos but also to have berries and melons and a variety of whole fruits without added sugar."

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不确定你盘子里的食物是否健康? 的 要么吃要么离开? series from 美国心脏协会 沙巴足球体育平台 covers the science behind foods and drinks, 用专家的眼光看一下健康的利弊.



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